• Consulting

      Refine your messaging, build your thought leadership, and elevate your voice to stand out of the crowd, grow your community, and attract the right opportunities.

    • Workshops

      Masterclasses on why and how to build a strong personal brand centred around your values, regardless of your level of expertise or industry.

    • Communications

      Shape your narrative and personal brand and get clear on how to present your offering, with a self-guided website, expert coaching and creative support.

    • Navigate a refresh or rebrand, so your communications powerfully reflect who you are today, address the needs of your audience, and spark action.

    • Refine your messaging & storytelling, to ensure what you say and how you say it is clear, consistent, concise and right for your goals and audience.

    • Personal Branding Workshops on how to frame your narrative and craft a strong personal brand, whether you’re a student, CEO, or pivoting careers.

    • Thought Leadership Workshops on how to find your voice and share your message with the world, so you raise your visibility, credibility and impact.

    • Visual Storytelling Workshops to find your unique visual style, and leverage the emotional power of imagery to grab attention and leave a lasting impression.

    • Entrepreneurial Retreats offering space, guidance and peer support to uncover and own your story, get clear on your vision and path, and design a meaningful career.

“I recommend Marisa if you need help transforming your ideas into tangible content and a coherent story. I couldn’t have done it without her!”

“Marisa has far exceeded our team expectations and has brought us so much clarity and guidance… It has been an intense process, where we have come to question our identity, our personality styles, and our true purpose, only to break through to a deeper and more authentic core.”

FAVORITE projects


  • National Geographic | Speakers Bureau

    60+ Thought Leaders & Field Experts

    Represented top National Geographic photographers, filmmakers, journalists, scientists and explorers for prestigious engagements. From Jane Goodall to Steve McCurry, these award-winning visual storytellers shared human interest and conservation insights to inspire influential leaders in Europe and internationally.

    Clients: McKinsey & Company, Dell, Visit Norway, Pure Life Experiences, the Royal Family of Sweden, Bill Clinton, others.

  • Beth Susanne | Visions in Focus

    Personal Branding for a Global Pitch Coach

    I supported a world-leading pitch coach in pitching herself! Our work included a brand & website refresh, podcast, keynotes, partnerships, and content creation for trailers, online courses, e-books, blogs, and social media to showcase and share her expertise. Beth has helped 3K startups raise €10Bn in funding.

    Within 1 year, Beth had 3X her annual revenues, and higher caliber clients, including Oxford, VC Funds and SingularityU.

  • Design Your Career Portfolio

    Personal Brand Messaging & Web Design

    CVs are outdated, LinkedIn is great for connections. This fast-paced, self-guided program is designed for today’s agile job market, to help people in any field connect their past experience, with the future impact they want to make and quickly present the unique value they bring to those they serve and work with.

    Our 1-1 workshops include 4 coaching sessions, culminating in a customised playbook or website you can edit yourself.

Brand Messaging & Strategic Storytelling

  • Birthing the Motherland Brand

    Brand Strategy, Branding & Website

    Following Mimoun’s successful rebrand in Spain, the owners hired me to conceive a new brand promoting real estate investment and slow living to Americans relocating to Portugal. Visit the website for more information:

    Outcomes: Brand strategy, foundational messaging, service areas, visual/verbal identity, web copy/content, custom web design, ongoing support in marketing/communications.

  • Launching Clarity Coaching Lab

    Branding, Website & Content Strategy

    My client, a senior HR leader in FS & Tech, hired me to help her launch a new executive coaching business in HK/Australia. Our process helped her uncover her brand story, understand her audience, surface her messages, and visually stand out.

    Outcomes: Brand strategy, visual/verbal identity, web copy/content, custom web design, thought leadership and social media/content marketing plan.

  • Greening our future with GreenAer

    Strategic Consulting & Brand Storytelling

    I collaborated with the founders of Ireland’s #1 eBike distributor to raise their voice, share their expertise, show up consistently, and humanize their brand through storytelling. Our aim was simple: end people’s reliance on cars, and save our planet.

    Outcomes: Investor pitch decks, media and brand partnerships, B2B program launch, copy for refreshed website, email marketing/community growth, campaigns.

Workshops, Events & Retreats

  • IESE Business School

    Personal Branding Masterclass for MBAs

    A talk on the importance of building an authentic personal brand in today’s job market. Regardless of your chosen path, when you differentiate yourself and align your purpose, values and strengths, you’ll have a more fulfilling and meaningful career. Presented with career mentor & culture consultant Kasia Olszko.

    This 90-minute interactive session created for IESE may be adapted for different learning or business environments.

  • Own your story | Find your voice

    Masterclass, Workshop or Weekend Retreat

    At the heart of our brand story lies our purpose, values, and unique value proposition. Through guided practice, we gain tools and techniques to shape our narrative and become better storytellers to show up authentically, build trust, and get results. This program was first offered at Space for Art in Fall 2023.

    1 morning, 1 day, or 1 weekend. The depth of our tailored journey depends on goals, duration and group size.

  • FERN | Unfurl your potential

    Community Event Organiser & Facilitator

    Curated nearly 70 events for 700 international business women in Sitges. We provide a safe space to gain exposure, make connections, test ideas, learn from each other and grow. Topics range from clarifying our vision to refining our presentation skills, or using AI without losing what makes us human.

    To learn more about our upcoming workshops, networking events, and retreats visit FERN on Meetup.